
5 words that describe me


Compassion, concern for the sufferings
of others fuels my drive I am
motivated by challenge.

Addicted to making a difference
slave to my dreams, servant to
my brother, sister, different mothers

its all the same needs desires love
when translated I better understand how
can I be of assistance to you?


Inspiration surrounds me, I pull it
from thin air blue tooth, I
interpret it with graphite on paper,

words on a blog,
ink on somerset velvet
or in a Haiku like

Autumn leaves crash down
Colliding into the earth
What a lovely mess


Vision, like hind sight I have 20
20 or more I could imagine a
world full irony however can’t imagine

not achieving each and every
one I utilize every opportunity to
advance, succeed and grow

Not ignorant to judgmental words, I use them
as seeds. They grow alongside my dreams
then I separate the parable of the weeds.


Purpose, the calling, I chosen
my worth, given me before
the foundations of the earth.

not based on wealth, material
things, not even by my knowledge
or things that I’ve achieved

I am here for a reason, not
to be discarded or cast to the
side. Hand picked like a ripe tomato.


Strength knowing where your
weakness lies working on the
unknown I understood it best

when Mr. Blue Period sed
dat ting ‘bout doin’ su’in he cain’t
do ta learn how ta do it.’

I’m trying everything.


This one is a performance piece I formatted for this blog. I wrote this in response to the “ratchetness” I’ve seen on social media and in public. It’s not meant to bash women, rather help them see themselves from another perspective. Hope you enjoy!

I can tell you’re blinded that you can’t even see
Cause you’ll look in the mirror and still come out
barely clothed when only it’s 10 degrees

Really who are you trying to impress?
Cause if he took a second look would he find
anything worth keeping underneath that dress?

When he searches your heart will he find an empty shell,
encased in an bad body b**** with a short temper,
mouth and attitude from hell.

I wish you could see you the way God sees.
Cause baby you’re better than money
on the light bill, or a number two at KFC

Come up a level and get a moral compass
you’ll find it in your heart between “I don’t have to accept that”
and “I’m worth more than this”

I don’t need to be in the club every weekend
to know that you went. Heck you post so many pictures
on Facebook like it was time well spent.

Posting pics of you in the mirror
what they call em “selfies?” Switch it up girl
next time you should post a picture of your degree/s

I’m sorry, I’m sorry this is not what I was trying to do..
But you’ve given me so much ammo
I had to load and shoot

If you don’t want to change, don’t! The world needs you
to BE diverse, but don’t get upset when you find yourself
the subject of a rap for verse

Talking about “f that b,” “ass ass ass,” and
“All them b’s is ratchet.” If it walks like
a duck, sounds like a duck, then girl why are you quaking?

Oh I get, I’m sorry, it’s what’s trending
Like # # # # # # dot dot dot
When is that mess ending?

Come up a level occupy your mind
Instead of “oh girl did you see that nigga
damn he was fine!”

Come up a level I’m trying to elevate you
Cuz when you’re elevated you can step out of your mess
and you’ll be looking back like EEWWW

Sounding like Steve Urkel “did I do that”
Yes girl and it was plain to see
that you were so off track

There’s no power in “how loud can I get”
or “how quick can I respond.” The real power
lies in your ability to control your tongue.

There’s nothing cute about getting drunk, stumbling
and slurring your words. Oh you’ll be sure to catch something
and I’m not talking about in the sense of a verb.

But more like a predicate, as in
a necessary condition of a consequence,
like what you receive is really based on what you get

Did I just lose you? Here let me make it plain cause I want us all to win.
When you dress up, rather, when you just down to your bare skin
how are you going to demand that he respect the woman within

Because you laid it all out there
for everyone to see. So behind closed doors
or between the sheets there’s still no sense of privacy

Ladies respect yourself first and everything will
follow suit! But if you’re reading this and you’re thinking
it’s about you. Then leave a comment just below

and we can talk it through.



Madness, struggling for air, fighting
for her voice, being heard is obsolete
out dated. She has missed the opportunity

to influence, invoke change. Again losing grip
on herself she didn’t hold, couldn’t hold.
Letting go of more than her body, she let go

of power, chances, another life’s pressures
temptations, the silent enemies or allies
wanting, needing,  kneading his body.

Brick walls, deaf ground, hardened clay
his mind her chisel, she’s kneading needing
green stick. One chance, two chances, three fathers

four chances, five children. In blissful ignorance
she moves without sight. Assured in the unseen,
surely this time will be different. Insanity.


Slow, ignorant, blind to reason
avoiding any truth, smart in his own head
but can’t she teach him? try to reach him?

Its not her place. Confusion consumes
her she was made, helpmate, for this
abide, abide, abide

to tolerate to dwell to withstand, await
stagnant soiled in her own filth
she finds comfort. It’s safe here.

Good intentions, fighting His vision
knowing what lies lie ahead
free will superficial thrills shallow
hollow emptiness.

Fear of missing what could be, this Boaz?
or is he just Bo’s ass? Led never leading,
you want to follow the blind? She hesitates.


Lost, conviction like, page
not found. Loading loading
holiness unable to find

the issues root, searching for a
server, worthy of His name.
That one nasty, prophecy true?

Who knows she goes deeper
further bull stubborn will she
return? “Don’t go back there girl,

you can come here.” Inhale pause
idle minds takeover, rebellion no rest
no deliverance from this hole

stuck in love failed at love left
the love God is. Replaced it with
good smelling hugs, strong embraces

soft kisses and ignorance. Not
a fair trade, but she paid what it
costs, bet on black. Lost.