5 words that describe me


Compassion, concern for the sufferings
of others fuels my drive I am
motivated by challenge.

Addicted to making a difference
slave to my dreams, servant to
my brother, sister, different mothers

its all the same needs desires love
when translated I better understand how
can I be of assistance to you?


Inspiration surrounds me, I pull it
from thin air blue tooth, I
interpret it with graphite on paper,

words on a blog,
ink on somerset velvet
or in a Haiku like

Autumn leaves crash down
Colliding into the earth
What a lovely mess


Vision, like hind sight I have 20
20 or more I could imagine a
world full irony however can’t imagine

not achieving each and every
one I utilize every opportunity to
advance, succeed and grow

Not ignorant to judgmental words, I use them
as seeds. They grow alongside my dreams
then I separate the parable of the weeds.


Purpose, the calling, I chosen
my worth, given me before
the foundations of the earth.

not based on wealth, material
things, not even by my knowledge
or things that I’ve achieved

I am here for a reason, not
to be discarded or cast to the
side. Hand picked like a ripe tomato.


Strength knowing where your
weakness lies working on the
unknown I understood it best

when Mr. Blue Period sed
dat ting ‘bout doin’ su’in he cain’t
do ta learn how ta do it.’

I’m trying everything.

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